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Schedule & Rates

Si-Kat offers a combined tourist bus and boat service daily from Manila to Puerto Galera and back.


Manila to Puerto Galera schedule:

9:30 AM Si-KAT Bus departs at City State Tower, Mabini St., Ermita, Manila
11:30 AM Arrival at Batangas Pier
1:15 AM Ferry Departure
2:00 PM Ferry Arrival at Puerto Galera

Manila to Puerto Galera journey takes 2 hours by bus and 45 minutes by ferry.

Puerto Galera to Manila schedule:

11:00 AM Ferry Departure
12:30 AM Arrival at Batangas Pier
12:30 AM Bus Departure for Manila
3:30 PM Arrival in Mabini St., Ermita, Manila

Puerto Galera to Manila journey takes 2 hours by bus and 1 and half hour by ferry.

Ticket Prices (inclusive of terminal fee):
ADULT: One-way - P1,500.00, Roundtrip - P2,900.00. (Any return ticket issued is open.)
CHILDREN: One-way - P750.00,  Roundtrip - P1,500.00. (Any return ticket issued is open.)

Bus Only:
Bus Ticket regular - P700.00 
Child Bus Ticket - P400.00

For more information please call us: +63 9454474216 | +63 908 642 6377 | +63 926 739 3447

Our office is open from 8am to 5pm on Mondays thru Saturdays, and from 8am to 11am on Sundays.